March 16, 2024 0 Comments


Khash is an Armenian soup prepared using boiled cow or sheep parts such as the head, feet, and stomach (tripe). Typically consumed early in the morning during the winter season (usually from September to April), it is served with garlic, radish, dried national bread lavash, and homemade vodka.


  • Cows’ feet (trotters) washed, patted dry, picked over for stray hairs and split in two – 3 
  • Crushed garlic – 30 cloves 
  • Warm flatbread (such as soft lavash or pita bread, for serving) 
  • Salt – to taste 
  • Chopped parsley – 1 cup 
  • Chopped cilantro – 1 cup 
  • Sliced lemons – 2 
  • Sliced radishes – 1 cup 
  • Sliced pickles – to taste 
  • Fresh chillis – to taste 


  1. Take a large bowl and place the trotters in it a day prior to cooking. Make sure to cover it with water and keep the bowl in the refrigerator for at least 10 and up to 48 hours. Keep in mind to change the water every two hours or so for the initial 10 hours. 
  2. Transfer the trotters to a heavy-bottomed pot. Remember to cover it with 2 inches of water. Over a high flame, bring it to a boil. 
  3. After the water comes to a boil, turn the heat down to a simmer and allow it to cook for 40 minutes. Remember to keep the pot uncovered.
  4. Once done, strain the water, shift the trotters back to the pot and cover them with 2 inches of fresh water. Boil it over high heat, reduce the flame to a simmer, and allow it to cook for about 6 to 8 hours. Keep the container uncovered. Make sure to keep pouring water every hour or two. Continue until the trotters tend to become soft and tender.
  5. Take the mortar or a small bowl containing garlic and add 2 cups of hot broth to it. Mix well to combine.
  6. Serve the residual broth and meat instantly, passing salt, garlic mixture, and other garnishes. People in Armenia generally suggest 4-6 cloves’ worth per person.
  7. Khash can be stored in a refrigerator for up to four days. And if you need to heat it before consuming it, you can keep it on a simmer for about 20 minutes.

Khash is very safe and useful, as it is filled with vitamins. Armenians claim that khash is extremely good for bones. There are several vitamins and minerals which can be found in Armenian khash. These are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, and Calcium.


Article by July S. 

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